True North Constitutional 警察 Training

Online training for MN officers

Policing is noble work, done by noble people. By embracing constitutional principles, officers are better able to honorably serve their communities.

True North Constitutional Policing is a POST-approved, 为明尼苏达州执法人员免费提供的五部分在线培训系列. 它的目的是激励执法部门向内看,并帮助他们重申接受宪法原则的承诺,将其作为应对挑战的不变的真北指南针, 艰难的决定.

作为一名执法人员,你接受了一项重要的使命. Let True North be your guide.




如果你是 a member of LMCIT’s PATROL training program,只需 log in to your PATROL account and access the series under Current Courses.

如果你是 巡逻队员, take the following steps:

  • Create an account here. You will only need to visit this page once to create an account.
  • Log in to your account here. 一旦你创建了你的帐户(或者如果你已经有一个真北宪法警务帐户), 使用此链接登录您的帐户,继续您的真北训练.


“真北”在线培训项目——对明尼苏达州所有执法人员免费——包括五个模块, 涵盖了诸如《全球十大赌钱软件排行》产生的历史条件等关键主题, the current social issues that draw parallels to U.S. history, and the role of policing in a free society.


这种创新, 与明尼苏达州的14个执法机构合作制定了相关和灵活的培训计划. 明尼苏达州和平官员标准和培训委员会(POST)已批准该培训为五个学分, in partial satisfaction of the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 626.8469, relating to the following learning objectives:

  • 认识和重视社区多样性和文化差异,包括内隐偏见培训:目标1, 2, and 3 inclusive; and
  • 冲突管理和调解:目标1、2和3.




This module highlights the nobility of law enforcement service, 并追踪和考虑社区成员对为他们服务的警察的欣赏和重视. 它探讨和对比了“高尚警官”和“高尚事业警务”之间的差异,”,以及程序正义的要素,用以在所服务的社区建立合法性和尊重.

A Revolution to a Constitution

本单元提供了对个别宪法保护的简要回顾, 警察权威, 以及官员们捍卫个人自由的神圣誓言. 它还探讨了我们国家的缔造者反对无理搜查和扣押的历史激情. Learners will consider this history, the exclusionary rule, and wrestle with how it all applies to ever-changing technology.


This module explores the history of policing in America, with a focus on periods of racial inequality and social conflict. 它探讨了内隐偏见的科学及其在人类决策中的作用. Learners will examine pretext stops, 种族歧视, and adverse impacts of bias on the communities they serve.


本模块解释宪法对撰写报告的规定, 在法庭上作证, and taking people’s “stuff.”

The Stories They’ll Tell

This module considers the question, “What is noble policing?” It explores the roles of individual integrity, personal accountability, 机构的文化, 道德决策是维持社区信任的基础. It helps guide learners in answering questions such as, “Will you be remembered for living a life of noble service? What will your legacy be?”


How much does it cost to participate in the training?

Currently, there is no cost for this online police training. 真北警务对所有明尼苏达州执法人员免费开放.

How long will it take to complete the training?

The entire training series takes about 4-5 hours to complete, 但它是自定进度的,学习者可以根据自己的时间表开始和停止训练. POST学分将只授予完成整个警察培训计划的学习者.

Will I earn 帖子学分 for the training?

明尼苏达邮政委员会已经批准了这项培训的5个学分的强制性培训学分在 Minnesota Statutes, section 626.8469 relative to the following objectives:

  • 认识和重视社区多样性和文化差异,包括内隐偏见培训:目标1, 2, and 3 inclusive; and
  • 冲突管理和调解:目标1、2和3.

Does my entire department have to participate in the training, or can I register and participate as an individual officer?

可以在真北警务处注册为个人警务人员. 要注册,您需要提供您的姓名、部门和MN POST号码.

Why should I participate?

这个由五个模块组成的课程是在明尼苏达州14个执法机构的帮助下创建的,旨在激励和平官员继续关注宪法,作为他们的真北指南针点. 参加者将了解产生《稳定的十大彩票网站》的历史条件, examine parallels to modern social issues, 并了解警察在自由社会中的作用. 其目标是激励参与者向内看,并帮助他们在做出具有挑战性的决定时重申接受宪法原则的承诺.


The online training is self-paced and NOT instructor-led. The learner works independently to complete the training, 他们的学习经历是在综合信息模块的辅助下进行的个人努力.

You will receive a PASS/FAIL grade for the course. 要获得POST学分,您需要获得该课程的PASS.

你的答案和互动学习活动是保密的, 您的个人信息和培训记录将不会被共享. 学生个人资料将不会发送给其他学生或部门. 所有参与学员的整体学习模式和培训信息将在真北警务中使用,以继续改善所有未来学员的培训体验.


如果您对真北警务在线学习体验的课程内容或技术问题有疑问, please send an email to

Thanks to contributors

特别感谢所有为这次培训做出贡献的执法机构以及所有愿意讲述他们故事的警官, participate in the design, 并提供反馈. 这个培训是献给所有帮助创建它的高尚的执法专业人员的.

The contributing law enforcement agencies are:

  • Dakota County Sheriff’s Office
  • Eagan 警察 Department
  • Maplewood 警察 Department
  • Minneapolis 警察 Department
  • Minnesota State Patrol
  • Plymouth 警察 Department
  • Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office
  • Robbinsdale 警察 Department
  • Rochester 警察 Department
  • Roseville 警察 Department
  • Scott County Sheriff’s Office
  • St. Louis Park 警察 Department
  • St. Paul 警察 Department
  • White Bear Lake 警察 Department